Thursday, March 8, 2007

And the winner is not ~Parth~ anymore

We were waiting for 24h for Parth to leave his email. But as You can see, he didn't. *Sighs*
So no luck :) The second best Joke was z00kus's
Congratulation Zookus for becaming the happy user of Joost !!!
And for You, who are still waiting for an Invitations. I have still one and i will give it away as i mentioned in an previous post.
Keep fishing :)

1 comment:

D-Rock said...

Here is goes in honor of St. Patricks an Irish drinking joke.

An Irish man walked into a local pub. He ordered three beers at the same time. When the man was on his third round the bartender said, "The beer would probably taste better if you ordered them one at a time." The man replied, "Well, you see, I have two brothers who live in different countries. One lives in Australia and the other lives in the United States. We promised each other that we'd always drink this way in memory of when we used to drink together." "I understand" the bartender sighed. The man came in every day and ordered three beers. After two weeks had passed the man came in and ordered only TWO beers. When the man was on his second round the bartender finally spoke up and said, "I'm sorry about your loss." "HUH?" the man said, confused. "OH! No, one of my brothers didn't die. I just gave up drinking!"